
Limiting Outings by Reading During COVID-19 Outbreaks

[Update in 2020: It has come to my knowledge that Sanderson is homophobic, and I will no longer be promoting his works.]

Many cities and countries are facing lockdowns amid COVID-19 outbreaks. While Taiwan is not currently under any lockdown, most people still avoid unnecessary ventures into public spaces. It is everyone’s job to keep our country and citizens safe. We take pandemic preventions very seriously. So even if you have never read out of habit, books might still be awesome company during social distancing.

Over the past two years, I have read nearly 150 books. I figured now would be a good time to put together a list of fictions and nonfictions I loved.


The classic One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and therapeutic wlw romance Keeping Long Island are very enjoyable. If you love fantasies, high fantasy Mistborn and historical Kindred are must-reads. As for great YAs, Leah on the Offbeat is a story of two bi women and Girl Made of Stars navigates between #MeToo, family, and love.


For biographies and memoirs, stories of Elon Musk, the Willner family, Tara Westover, and Ta-Nehisi Coates are mind-blowing. Also, Noam Chomsky’s insights on democracy will keep you thinking.

So I listed 11 books I read and love in the past two years. They are moderately diverse in genres and topics. If you ended up reading any of these books, I hope it helped make your days pass by easier. Stay home, and stay healthy.

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