• Bookish,  Reading Challenges,  Sapphic Saturday

    Planning for Twelve Days of Queermas 2020

    It’s December! I know I’ve been slacking in blogging recently as the semester is closing and everything is super hectic. Once I finish my final exam and turn in my final portfolio for class next week, I promise I’ll be blog hopping again and replying to comments, doing tags, etc. Oh, and I still haven’t posted a November wrap-up yet! Sneak peak: I’ve read 13 books in November and found my favorite book ever in Cantoras (my review here)!

    This month, Sapphic Saturday (Arin and Brittany) is hosting Twelve Days of Queermas from the 13th to the 24th in addition to the monthly/bi-monthly 24-hour readathon on December 19th!