Top Ten Tuesday (TTT) is currently hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, and each Tuesday, we get a prompt to talk about 10 books.
This week’s topic: books that should be adapted into Netflix shows/movies (submitted by Nushu @ Not A Prima Donna Girl).
Over the past seven months, I have been escaping into sapphic books. I have only discovered this wonderful world of sapphic fiction (aka wlw fiction, or more traditionally known as lesfic*) in February this year. Before that, I seldom read romance. Since I now love them, I am excited to maybe try reading some more m/f romance as well.
Anyway, there are definitely not enough sapphic tv series and movies out there even though I haven’t been watching a lot of films lately. In recent years, I find myself I getting agitated or overstimulated during the supposedly relaxing activity. It is sometimes stressful, so I no longer pick random movies to watch as I did when I was younger. The last thing I watched was CW’s Batwoman Season 1 Episode 7 three months ago. And yes, I stopped because it became a little too much for me to continue, even after I looked up spoilers and knew what was coming.
Here, I list a total of 10 sapphic books or series that should be adapted to small and big screens. Yes, more sapphic recs from me! For more info on Goodreads, click on the book covers.
* Lesfic is the abbreviation of lesbian fiction, but it does not mean the main characters must be lesbians. They are women or woman-aligned individuals who love women or woman-aligned individuals.
TV Series
The Chronicles of Dorsa Series by Eliza Andrews
- Publisher: Self-Published
- My Ratings
- Keywords: fantasy, empire, romance between princess and bodyguard
- Comment: I read Princess of Dorsa earlier this year and fell down the rabbit hole of sapphic fiction. I think that says a lot about how amazing this series is.
Soho Loft Series by Melissa Brayden
- Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
- My Ratings
- #1 Kiss the Girl: ★★ [review]
- #2 Just Three Words: ★★★★ [review]
- #3 Ready or Not: ★★★ [review on GR]
- Keywords: friends, New York City, romance
- Comment: This is the first sapphic series and also the first three Melissa Brayden books I have ever read, so Soho Loft series will always have a special place in my heart. Mallory, Sam, Hunter, and Brooklyn are all adorable and their friendship is amazing. I am thinking the three books can be made into 3 seasons, all romcoms. Though I have never watched either GG tv series, Soho Loft can probably be their sapphic counterpart.
The Oregon Series by Jae
- Current Publisher: Ylva Publishing
- My Ratings
- #1 Backwards to Oregon: ★★★★★
- #2 Hidden Truths: ★★★★★
- Keywords: historical, soldier, prostitute, horses, crossdressing, Oregon Trail, romance
- Comment: I love historical fiction. The Oregon Series has everything a historical sapphic romance should have: drama, ranch, crossdressing, confusion of attraction, etc. I have mentioned this series in my Father’s Day post this year, and being the first Jae’s books I have read, I don’t think I will ever forget Luke and Nora.
Chicago Series by Nicole Pyland
- Publisher: Pyland Publishing LLC
- My Ratings
- #0 Fresh Start: ★★★★ [review on GR]
- #1 The Best Lines: ★★★★★ [review on GR]
- #2 Just Tell Her: ★★★★★ [review on GR]
- #3 Love Walked Into The Lantern: ★★★★ [review on GR]
- #4 What Happened After…: ★★★★★ [review on GR]
- Chicago Series: ★★★★★ [review on GR]
- Keywords: friends, Los Angeles, Chicago, romance
- Comment: These are the first books Nicole Pyland has ever published and I love them all. I think they will be a wonderful tv series if the timelines are mixed up a little bit. Fresh Start will be Season 1. Then Season 2 can start with the first time Ember, Hailey, and Charlie meet each other. Throughout Season 2 to 4, Ember will go from being the player who hooked up with Hailey years ago to the one who settles down with Eva. Charlie will see everything unravel and meets Summer and Lena while being secretly in love with Hailey. Maybe Summer and Lena’s relationship can develop in Season 4. The series finale will be What Happened After… where every couple goes through their own crises and reinforce their love.
Breaking Legacies by Zoe Reed
- Publisher: Self-Published
- My Rating: ★★★★★
- Keywords: fantasy (magic), romance
- Comment: Along with Princess of Dorsa, Breaking Legacies is the other book that got me into reading sapphic fiction. I read this six months ago, and one hundred books later, have yet to find another one as amazing as this. Though this one is a standalone, the story is very intense and can easily be made into two seasons.
Listen by Kris Bryant
- Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
- My Rating: ★★★
- Keywords: music, anxiety, Chicago, romance
- Comment: This is an #ownvoices anxiety romance and also my first Kris Bryant book. I remember enjoying it. Though a substantial part of the book is internal dialogues, I think it will make a great art film.
Not the Marrying Kind by Jae
- Publisher: Ylva Publishing
- My Rating: ★★★★ [review on GR]
- Keywords: food, coming out, romance (small-town)
- Comment: I am going to reread this book and give it a 5-star because Sasha and Ash have practically been living in my head since I first read Not the Marrying Kind three months ago. Stories don’t usually stick with me for that long. This book will make such a cute and beautiful romcom.
Finding Jessica Lambert by Clare Ashton
- Publisher: Self-Published
- My Rating: ★★★★★ [review]
- Keywords: anxiety, romance (age-gap, celebrity)
- Comment: I love this book. It is no doubt one of my favorite reads this year. Finding Jessica Lambert is a relatively long sapphic romance with great characters. I am thinking that a 3-hour film will be perfect.
While My Heart Beats by Erin McKenzie
- Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
- My Rating: ★★★★★ [review on GR]
- Keywords: historical, WWI, romance (medical)
- Comment: This historical romance set during WWI is beautiful and heart-wrenching. I love how Ellie and Johanna work through their own emotions and newfound attraction to each other during the horrifying war time. While My Heart Beats will make a wonderful movie.
The X Ingredient by Roslyn Sinclair

- Publisher: Ylva Publishing
- My Rating: ★★★★★ [review on GR]
- Keywords: hot sex, romance (ice-queen, age-gap, office)
- Comment: I just finished this book so I may be biased. There are many sapphic retellings of The Devil Wears Prada and this is one of them but in a law firm. There are a lot of very hot sex scenes so if it makes to the big screen, it is going to be R-rated for sure.
Have you read any of these books? What books do you think need to be adapted into Netflix series or movies? Comment what you think!
For more of my reviews and other whatnots, follow my blog, my Twitter, and friend me on Goodreads.
Okay WOW!! I love this list – soo many awesome books I didn’t even know about!! 😍😍😍😍 THANK YOUUUU, Hsinju, FOR SHARING THESE WITH US!! 😇🦋
Hsinju @ Hsinju's Lit Log
Thank you for reading and commenting!! If you ever read any, I hope you’ll enjoy them as I did. 🥰🥰🥰
Emer @alittlehazebookblog
Oh dear… I’ve never heard of any of these books before 🙈🙈 but that Finding Jessica book sounds very interesting to me. We definitely need more mainstream sapphic content on our screens. I’m tired of it being seen as a niche market or when it is mainstream it’s done purely for the male gaze 🙄🙄🙄 Fantastic spin on this week’s TTT Hsinju 💛💛💛💛
Hsinju @ Hsinju's Lit Log
Thank you, Emer!! 🥰🥰🥰 I love how you mentioned the male gaze! 😒😒 I only recently begin to understand how the gaze affects storytelling in movies after watching the beautiful Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (again, sapphic yearning) which is 100% the female gaze. Finding Jessica Lambert is wonderful and I will read anything Ashton writes just because I read this one book. I hope you’ll enjoy it if you decide to give it a try! Thank you so much again!! 💕💕
I really enjoyed reading your list! I especially like how you formatted it and included keywords; I’ve never seen that done before. I keep seeing people rec breaking legacies so maybe I need to check it out 🙂
Hsinju @ Hsinju's Lit Log
Thank you so much, Mel!! I’m so happy you liked it! I think keywords give readers an idea of the book more quickly if they’re just skimming through the post and formatting also helps. 😊 And yup, Breaking Legacies is all over sapphic booktwt lately and I help boost it when I can. It’s intense and amazing. I hope you’ll enjoy it if/when you read it!!
Emer @alittlehazebookblog
I second the praise for inclusion of keywords! ☺️☺️☺️
Enjoyed the list and agree with those I have read. I am thinking Lee Winter’s Requiem for Immortals and Jae’s Perfect Rhythm would be great as well.
Hsinju @ Hsinju's Lit Log
Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Kimberly! 💕 I haven’t read Winter’s Requiem for Immortals yet but now that you’ve mentioned it, I’m definitely going to give it a try! And YES, Perfect Rhythm is also going to be so good!! I’m picturing the roof scenes in my head and awwwww, Leo and Holly are so adorable. ☺️
I love this list! I’d watch all of them. We definitely don’t have enough sapphic shows.
My TTT .
Hsinju @ Hsinju's Lit Log
Thank you!! ☺️ We really need them all!