Book Reviews,  Fiction

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

[Update in 2020: Sanderson might still be homophobic. Please read his works with caution.]
Cover of the Hero of Ages (Brandon Sanderson)

The Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3) by Brandon Sanderson

The final book is a big resolution to the whole trilogy, with many questions answered and confusions cleared up. It is a dark yet exciting book. Definitely satisfying.

It is reassuring to see TenSoon again. I love him for being able to accept new ideas, challenge authority, ally with human Vin (stemmed from their previous intimate conversation), and his strong determination. Also, he is an incredibly smart and skilled kandra. So yeah, favourite character.

However, I do have a bit of an issue with Sazed’s increasingly excessive thoughts of being not a man nor a woman just because he is a eunuch. Probably triggered more by him losing loved ones, so it is somewhat understandable. Just not a very good approach on gender and stuff like that. (If a eunuch identifies as a man, he deserves to use ‘he/him’ pronouns!)

There is a main virtue that the series preached, and that is ‘trust’. It is especially touching how unconditionally Vin and Elend trusted each other. In a book where everyone, good or evil, seemed so conflicted, the ability and power to trust shed light to the story.

The world in which Allomancers and Feruchemists exist is both dangerous and exhilarating, and there has never been a thought of regret since I picked up the book and started reading. [17 Apr 2018]

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