Book Reviews,  Fiction

The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli

Cover of The Upside of Unrequited (Becky Albertalli)

The Upside of Unrequited (Simonverse #2) by Becky Albertalli

It was an okay yet sweet YA book. I enjoyed some of the scenes but not really the whole plot.

Slight spoilers for the following paragraph:
I think the book introduction was rather misleading. After reading the book, I do not think that the main theme was about Molly getting a boyfriend. I am not even sure if she really loved the boy. Honestly, the ‘romantic’ timing was so shocking, I felt like I was slapped in the face. The main theme of the book was more about the wedding of Nadine and Patty, and Molly learning to deal with Cassie’s new relationship status. It was more of a ‘lesson-learned’ book, though it was still really nice to see them hyped about the legalised gay wedding.

Becky is obviously very well-informed on LGBTQ+ subjects, and has tried to clarify some misconceptions in the book. She also tried to include more representations, too, which is very nice. The thing I noticed in Creekwood Series (#1, #2) is that Becky is good at writing characters with their own flaws, making them more relatable and real. I really like that. However, in The Upside of Unrequited, I feel like Molly is the only one with problematic flaws, and so overall, it was not too interesting or smooth to read. [28 Apr 2018]

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